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Story & Her

A Positive Motivation Arts & Entertainment
Space to Inform, Inspire, Uplift and Empower

More Than a Mood its a Vibe & an M.O.  

The Story & Her Experience



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  1. 1.

    fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

    "his philosophy inspired a later generation of environmentalists"

    synonyms:stimulate, motivate, cause, incline, persuade, encourage, influence, rouse, move, stir, spur (on), goad, energize, galvanize, incite, impel; 



verb: inform; 3rd person present: informs; past tense: informed; past participle: informed; gerund or present participle: informing; verb: in-form; 3rd person present: in-forms; past tense: in-formed; past participle: in-formed; gerund or present participle: in-forming

  1. 1.

    give (someone) facts or information; tell.

    "he wrote to her, informing her of the situation"

    synonyms:tell, let someone know, notify, apprise, advise, announce to, impart to, communicate to; More​




verb: empower; 3rd person present: empowers; past tense: empowered; past participle: empowered; gerund or present participle: empowering

  1. give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

    "members are empowered to audit the accounts of limited companies"

    synonyms: Authorise, license, entitle, permit, allow, sanction, warrant, commission, delegate, certify, accredit, qualify; More

    antonyms: forbid

    • make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

      "movements to empower the people"

      synonyms:emancipate, unyoke, unfetter, unshackle, unchain, set free, give freedom to;



verb: uplift; 3rd person present: uplifts; past tense: uplifted; past participle: uplifted; gerund or present participle: uplifting


  1. 1.

    lift (something) up; raise.

    "her uplifted face"

    synonyms:boost, raise, buoy up, elevate, edify, inspire, lift, give a lift to, cheer up, perk up, enliven, brighten up, lighten, ginger up, gladden, encourage, stimulate, arouse, revive, restore; More


  2. 2.

  3. elevate (someone) morally or spiritually.

    "people leave my shows feeling uplifted"

    synonyms:inspiring, stirring, moving, touching, affecting, warming, cheering, cheerful, 


Information to inspire. . .  Inspire you to live your best life. . .
Uplifting you to a place of self love.  Empowering to you to reach for your dreams . . .
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