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Join The Live Music Experience!!!

I love the live music experience such as that shown above, and can't wait to share it with you more fully!

I'm always asked for the hook-up on all the latest gigs and here it is! If you love the vibe of my social media pages and this website, here is your chance to take part!

I have created a Patreon Page!

For those new to Patreon, it is a very flexible platform where you can follow and sponsor creators of your choice. Create your own page today to get started!

Follow this page for free, to see posts I share publicly.

Or upgrade from follower level, and choose a pledge tier of your choice from those listed, to become a Patron from as little as £1 a month ( payable via paypal). Patrons get rewards & benefits not available to followers and also get to see both public and premium content (content not available publicly) from only 25p a week!

Benefits, offers and rewards available to Story and Her Patrons are:

▶️ Exclusive Footage (For your eyes only) 👀

▶️ Extended footage of concert videos, festivals, feel good gigs, self development conferences and events, as well as extended popular Viral Videos 👀 👀

▶️ Extended Gig listings (tour and concert dates)👀 👀 👀

▶️ First Sight Previews 😯

▶️ Coverage of invite only events & Premieres 😀

▶️ Access to exclusive online Story and Her Patreon News feed & community Join today at: 😊

Get advanced Notice of Gig listings like the one below and never miss a likely to be sold out show!

Get advanced notice of likely to be sold out shows, such as the one above, and never miss a gig!

Once you've joined Patreon you can also follow a wealth of other content creators too, opening a world of perks and benefits. It is free to join Patreon, simply create your own Patreon Page and you're all set! Create your own page here!

Once you have created your own page you can also create great content too and/or follow other content creators.

Vibe and Brand

If you have joined from my IG page: @story_and_her or my YouTube page: The Story and Her, you will be familiar with my feel good self empowerment brand, where I provide coverage of some of the most sought after feel good gigs, festivals, conferences and events in London, and inspirational content.

. A wide range of music genres coveraged including, but not limited to: Hip-Hop, Jazz, RnB, Soul, Grime, NeoSoul, Reggae, Dancehall, Afro-Swing and Afrobeats.

The above Yxng Bane concert video, at the top of this blog, is a shorter length video (13 -15 mins available publically on YouTube and my Patreon page). In future I will be also adding 30 - 60 minute long videos only available to Patrons.

Below is a medium length video of 30 mins long, featuring Musiq Soulchild.

Your Support

Your support will enable me to continue producing high level and regular content and share other exciting projects with you.

Note Due to the nature of the content, please be aware that occasional adult language or sugestive dancing, beyond my control, such as that used in popular songs and music videos may be used. Viewer discretion advised.

Your exclusive Story and Her Patreon Invite is here!

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