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Destroyed by Love ...Healing the Inner-child.

Video credit: IG @subjectivyuk

Wow. Powerful words and insight whether you agree or not...

What I will say though is there is a child within each and every one of us that needs to be healed before you can move forward in life as a fully functional emotionally balanced adult.

"Sankofa" -You need to “go back and fetch” that child, identify what hurt them so badly, listen to them and find ways to heal, otherwise the rage and tantrums of that child in an adults body, will wreck havoc on everything and everyone you touch.

Everything you try to build, that child will destroy as it’s trying to get your attention. It’s voice needs to be heard. With healing comes peace and with peace comes focus and perspective, both of which are needed if you are to home into your goals and move forward with success.

Real joy is experienced by healing your inner child, by finding solutions, resolution and thus closure to past hurts. Real joy is also obtained by feeding that inner child. Think of the things a child loves, or indeed what you loved as a child: fun, excitement, security, unconditional love, friends, family, protection, adventure, freedom, a thirst for life, and the constant learning of new things and achievement of new milestones. Ensure that you have all of these things in your life in abundance, balance achievement with pleasure, as when one is out of balance with the other this leads to discord and chaos within the spirit and emotions and leaves your tank running on empty.

Move forward. Heal and feed the inner-child, do not stay in the past, that is alien territory and we can no longer live there.

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