Who Are You? Why Do You Look Like Me?!!! Poem and Reflections on a Homogeneous Yet Disconnected Soc
Kaleidoscope ...
We are all so different and yet...
We are all so predictably and disappointingly the same...
Fractured reflections of the clones they have made us...
Poem by me @story_and_her
Above video credit: Marie Marye via @yesuniverse.art (press play).
We are all so different...apparently... Different heights. Different sizes. Different shapes...Different colours. Different Shades. Different cultures. Different religions and traditions and different etiquette and standards of what is acceptable.
We go to war for these differences. Shed blood and slaughter babies for such differences. Bomb each other into subordination and extinction for such differences... yet... are we really that different and how different are we?...
We all experience love, loneliness, joy, pain, sadness, despair and orgasmic elation. We all bleed red. We all need oxygen to survive and we all have flesh vulnerable to sin, lust and brute force...so exactly how different are we?
We all have stories that would make a listener cry and other stories that would make others weep with joy. We all have dreams and aspirations for the future and we all have a past, some where nightmares lurk....so how different are we?
We all have an inner child just desperate to be loved, truly, genuinely, compassionately, fervently and completely, and perhaps if we could recognise this we would see in this way, that we are all the same and find comfort in this one undeniable fact. Find solace, resolution and commune of brother/sisterhood. Part of a united community of human beings perfectly imperfect in their vulnerability and in this naked vulnerability all at once powerful and authentic...but we don't do we?...
We all strive to be so different from one another, building up walls, burning bridges and staying strapped with the loaded ammunition of silver tongues and steel pellets, ready to blow everything to smithereens at any given second.
We inflate, postulate and stroke our own throbbing engorged egos on just how different we are by consuming labels, materials and things that will distinguish us from the next person...make us better somehow with European ensignia's emblazoned across our persons like barcoded goods on a supermarket conveyor belt....going no where fast with the bleep of time, a gnawing constant in the background.
We do not realise that we are the disposable commodities in this capitalistic system, which we keep stoking and adding fuel to. Our spirits the sacrificial lambs that we throw unto the spit fire. A system that tells us we must have the latest this or that in order to be different. To be elite...separate...better than...and yet if we all are doing this...exactly how different and unique are we?....
Our clothes, hairstyles, vehicles, habits, behaviours and commodities begin to homogenise and all look alike...uniforms and prisons... all boringly the same....
How different are we when we all battle to consume the very same, latest vacuous mass produced thing? Where did true originality go and sentiment of feeling? Are they hiding somewhere beneath a Nike tick? An Adidas stripe? A Rolly watch... A Starbucks cup? And in pursuing things, instead of real spiritual feeling, emotion and connection, we have all become objects to be bought and sold to, monotonous clones of each other....losing touch with our authentic selves.
Gone is community and in its place cheap transparent facades, built to last...Glass with no substance. Fractured in our disconnect from our higher selves and each other...colourful but on the same spectrum...we all have become pawns of mass consumerism. Pursuing our base desires of lust and greed, as encouraged by an inanimate blinking neon-lit box. Instead of tuning in to and pursuing our natural capacity for love, altruism, integrity, compassion, authenticity and connection. Which would have us thinking and moving outside the box...alive. Finally alive and wide awake.
We are all so different and yet...
We are all so predictably and disappointingly the same...
Fractured reflections of the clones they have made us...