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(Guest blog/ article credit:

This topic has kept a low profile but has been spoken amongst the black community for years. With news reports swirling around why women of colour are trying to get out of the United States, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to speak up for some of the beautiful souls I’ve come across who’ve made the complete transition. The thing is, many of their beliefs and reasons can easily be misconstrued and even role into other people’s beliefs, however, you’ll find they’re seeking something completely unique and genuine.

Here are some of the top reasons why black women are opting out of America and moving to the motherland:

Access To Natural Resources

Many black women who are seeking to make the transition to Africa simply want a more natural lifestyle. From the way they eat to the way they interact with people, they want to be able to simplify their way of living. It’s no secret that most of our own natural foods and goods come from overseas and from the motherland herself, so why not immerse yourself fully in an environment that provides just that to you?

Many villages’ commerce is made up of just farming from their land naturally. In Africa, you can actually buy your fruits and veggies directly from the farmer without being sceptical if it was drowned in pesticides and where the money is really going to.

A Change of Scenery

Yes, some black women have

outrightly expressed that they needed a break from America. And could you blame them? With all that is going with Trump, violence against blacks, classism, racism, finances, social structures and the environment, who wouldn’t want to press pause and live someplace that is inviting, familiar, and warm? For many women abroad, it brought a piece of mind that money simply couldn’t buy.

An Exploration of Self

Some other black women felt that they needed a change to realise how privileged they were in America. When you have certain things at your disposal and it’s taken away, you now have to depend on your own way of thinking, beliefs, creations, and ideas to doing things in the world

However, a lot of black women wanted that sense of knowledge of self and self-preservation. There’s power in knowing where you came from and seeing it for yourself. Black women expressed that they opened new doors in their own lives they didn’t even know existed.

A Sense of Community

Black women expressed, it’s just something different about being in Africa, a place where everyone looks like you and there are no masks tied to it. Africa has some of the most down to earth people. No code-switching, no “fake it til you make it”, no discrimination. Now, don’t get me wrong, Africa definitely still has its own struggles with colorism and classism but there’s a sense of, “if you can do it, I can do it too, because we’re all the same here.”To Save Money & Travel. If you haven’t noticed, America is kind of a far-off distant land from all of the other countries. If you look closely, more than 100 countries are connected to Africa by a small slither of the Mediterranean Sea. This allows you free reign to explore tons of countries and cities for half the price and half the time. Not to mention the USD compared to Rand far exceeds the value it has in America and the cost of living is much cheaper. You can not only stretch your money but also invest into the property a whole lot easier!

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