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Simulation Theory - What if?....none of this is real?

What if?....none of this is real? What if, just as Neil Degrasse Tyson, suggests in the video above, that we were are all in some twisted fantasy brought to life by a computer simulation somewhere in the future where technical advancement and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are far more advanced than we could ever comprehend?.... or what if we create alternative theories to comfort us from the nightmare of our own reality.

You see, it does not really matter if everything we are experiencing is truly real or not, as long as it is real enough to you. Because things like reality, truth, time, knowledge are all relative. What may be very real to you, maybe beyond the comprehension of someone who has never lived your reality.

We all live our own realities and perceive others from that benchmark. This is why it’s extremely hard to explain racism and associated power structures and discrimination to someone who has only ever known white privilege. Or poverty to a billionaire born into wealth. Just because it has never been their reality - does that make it any less real to you?

This is why no matter how hard you try to show or make someone feel who you are, they’ll only ever misunderstand you from the limited capacity of their own perception and reality. You can be a whole person, but if someone is on a different level or lower frequency they’ll only ever see your feet/hand and assume that is all that you are...and due to the limits of their own reality they may never be able to see or comprehend the full you.

Is it your responsibility to try to convince them of your reality, or is it the individuals responsibility to expand their own consciousness, by broadening the perceptions and realms of their own reality so that they over lap and intertwine with others?

This is why movies like Black Panther, and general positive and successful representations of ourselves are so important. They reinforce positive images of our community which can lead to better opportunities, fairer treatment and less discrimination. Plus they also allow us to imagine and dream beyond the starkness or limitations of our own current reality and look and plan to the future with hope. If someone who looks like us can excel in an area we have never seen represented before and therefore had never considered as a possibility, it then opens our minds up to a wealth of other possibilities and expands our vision of ourselves and allows us to dream big. Little black girls may start to plan careers in tech, as inspired by Princess Shuri, where as before, they may not have imagined that this possibility could be applied to themselves.

Hence we all already do exist in very different realities to each other, and it is only by exploring diversity, travelling, meeting new people from different backgrounds, experiences and depths of knowledge, do we in turn expand and enrich our own reality, life experiences and potential...

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