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The Power of My Femininity...#InternationalWomensDay

There is nothing I enjoy more than the power of my femininity

Carrying Amazon in my thighs with thunder in their vice like grip and lightning in their swish... the power of my femininity

I have made grown men cry with the power of my femininity

Get down on their knees and pray at my alter with the power of my femininity

My friendliness stokes egos at a mere hello and to me I’m just being polite you fires ignite with the power of my femininity

I have given lifetimes with my presence when to me it was only

Tuesday with the power of my femininity

Hips sway, swish and sashay

with the power of my femininity

I have spoken life into my love with the power of my femininity

I have raised love from its knees to its feet with the power of my femininity

I have taught sons of man to recognise the King and God within themselves with the power of my femininity

I have rocked worlds with mountainous curves bestowed to me by the power of my femininity

Bloodline of Empress and Empire Womb capable of birthing nations of warriors oh

the power of my femininity

I have out danced the devil with the power of my femininity

Taught my demons to two-step

with the power of my femininity

Whispered sweet nothings into the ear of Death with the power of my femininity

Laughed in the face of ill fate and adversity with the power of my femininity

Giggling “just watch me, just watch me” with the power of my femininity...

video/ image credit: Princess Nokia

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