The Art of Mindfulness & Meditation
(Video credit: How Meditation Changed My Life - Mamata Venkat - Tedx Talks) We would all benefit from some form of meditation or...

3 Steps For Breaking The Impostor Syndrome Cycle
(Guest Blog) Resilience hinges, among other things, on how you perceive a given stressor. As Maria Konnikova explained in the New Yorker...

The Five Types Of Impostor Syndrome And How To Beat Them!
(Guest Blog) Many high achievers share a dirty little secret: Deep down they feel like complete frauds–their accomplishments the result...

Overcome Your ‘Comfort Addiction’
(Guest Blog) People in every industry and from all walks of life suffer from a debilitating addiction. Its effects keep people from...

Simulation Theory - What if?....none of this is real?
What if?....none of this is real? What if, just as Neil Degrasse Tyson, suggests in the video above, that we were are all in some...

A Seven-Step Prescription for Self-Love
(Guest Blog) I really loved this post by Deborah Khoshaba published on Psychology Today on Mar 27, 2012, (still just as valid today),...

A Reason, A Season and not always A Lifetime
Everyone has a lesson to teach you and message to deliver to you. When you understand this life should become easier. Enrich each other’s...

The Power of My Femininity...#InternationalWomensDay
There is nothing I enjoy more than the power of my femininity Carrying Amazon in my thighs with thunder in their vice like grip and...

Letter to My 15 Year Old Self. . .
Hello, I know you are reading this with so much fear for the future and it’s ok to be afraid, sad and uncertain. All of these things...